Guitar-Bass-Piano-Ukulele-Mandolin-Percussion- RockVox® Choir & Singing.

Music tuition for the real world!

Down to earth tuition for learning songs playing in bands, performing gigs or gaining qualifications and just loving your music!

RockSchool- RGT- Trinity- ‘GCSE’ & 'A' level exam preparation available.

Check out the menu and select your destiny today.

Gig-A-Bull is a Ltd Co. No 6373939

VAT No. 463591276

What we do

We teach all styles and all levels to all ages, offering private lessons and group tuition across a range of instruments including:

Guitar, Bass, Ukulele, Piano/Keyboard, Singing & Cajon Percussion.

Our Methodology

We give top quality private tuition as standard but aim to go beyond that as soon as the learner is ready. We deliver the skills for playing in bands and performing gigs, including repertoire, technique, improvisation, harmony ensemble training and more. When a learner has acquired the necessary skills to work effectively other musicians we introduce them to other pupils with complementary skill sets and form coached bands leading to performance.

Catering for the individual

Some pupils just want to play for pleasure, at their own pace, without any pressure. We cater for that too. Many clients simply want to have fun! So don't worry if you have no aspirations for music college, stardom or local Rock God status. We will ensure you get the most out of your music-making at a level that suits you. 

Hot News! Launching soon- Debut Beginner Groups - for those who would just like to get started but are not sure how committed they would like to be. 

Graded Syllabus & Music Exams

For those who prefer a more structured education, Graded music offers a wealth of step by step achievable skill-building goals. Gigabull offer coaching for the RSL RockSchool syllabus and host exams once a year. More frequent examinations can be arranged if required, but we recommend once a year for most students. We prefer to develop a sound holistic musical education rather than simply regurgitating three pieces to gain a certificate. We understand that music is so much more than gaining certificates and measuring progress but recognise that exams can be a great motivational tool and educational resource for some. Perhaps you are better suited to another syllabus? We can also cater for RGT, Trinity and ABRSM examinations.

Additionally we often help younger students prepare performances for for GCSE and 'A' level exams. 

Our Mission

Above all, we aim to foster a learning for life mindset which feeds into a growing musical community of inclusivity, creativity and fun.

Never leave the moment of decision without taking a step toward it”

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