Guitar-Bass-Piano-Ukulele-Mandolin-Percussion- RockVox® Choir & Singing.

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Ukulele Lessons Cambridge

Ukulele Lessons - Cambridge Student tuning her Ukulele before a performance.

Ukulele LESSONS -Soprano, Concert, Tenor

This fantastic little instrument is very popular with adults and kids alike. There is no easier way to get into playing a stringed instrument. Skills acquired are readily transferable to Guitar at a later date. Many Guitar and Bass students at Gigabull Ltd. also play Ukulele because it is such fun! It is incredibly portable and is perfect for keeping your fingers working fluently at times when a Guitar is too cumbersome to lug around. Soprano (the tiny one), Concert (Medium) and Tenor (for adults) are all tuned the same and use identical chords and scales. Just pick one that feels comfortable for your body size.


BAss Ukulele lessons, Cambridge

Bass Ukulele is tuned the same as a Bass Guitar (EADG) so if you can play bass Guitar you can play Bass Ukulele. It is the perfect way for younger players who would like to play Bass Guitar to get started while they are still too small to handle the enormity of an actual Bass Guitar. When plugged in it sounds remarkably like a double bass, but is much less expensive and easier to carry around.



Ukulele Grades (RGT & Rockschool)

The new Rockschool Grades for Ukulele feature arrangements of rock and pop classics which students learn to play along to high quality backing tracks. Theoretical knowledge and technique are systematically developed though a traditional diet of scales, arpeggios and theory questions. Pupils also learn to read both Tablature and regular Music. Ear training is a progressive element of all grades and will be covered in your lessons. 

RGT grades focus more on developing and using chord vocabulary and strumming patterns. Tunes are played unaccompanied in the exam and both are presented in Tablature. The aural component is a common feature of both RGT and Rockschool but the scales are much more demanding in the latter. Pupils often work from both syllabuses in order to have a breadth of musical education.  

Ukulele Un-Graded. 

For the casual strummer who just wants to have fun, the Ukulele is the perfect instrument. There is a wealth of music available in the easy to understand TAB (tablature) system. Chords are easy to form and follow. You don't need any prior knowledge of music to get started. It is a great first instrument for singers who want to accompany themselves without too much trouble. Ukulele can also be used to play complex music and provides a great pathway to start at playing with other musicians. 



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