Fees — GigABull.co.uk


Cambridge Guitar Lessons. Professional guitar tuition from beginner to diploma.

Guitar Lessons in Cambridge, as well as tuition on a range of musical instruments, including Bass Guitar, Ukulele, Cajon percussion, Keyboard & Vocals.

Practical instrumental tuition for learning songs playing in bands, performing gigs or gaining qualifications.

RockSchool- RGT- Trinity- ‘GCSE’ & 'A' level exam preparation available.

Gig-A-Bull is a Ltd Co. No 6373939


  • Consultation- 50% discount: £26.17 - 60min inc VAT at 20%

  • 30 minute private lesson £26.17 inc VAT at 20%

  • 60 minute private lesson £52.34 inc VAT at 20%

Coached Bands & Ensembles

Pupils are invited to compliment individual lessons with group tuition once ensemble survival skills are mastered.

  • 60 minute group lesson £24.60 inc V.A.T at 20%

  • 2 hour group sessions lesson £49.20 per head. (Min 3 per group) inclusive of setup/takedown time, hall fees, tutor fees, insurance and VAT at 20%

    Rockvox Choir

  • RockVox ® Choir £TBA This will be launched 23-24 and will train solo vocalists and backing vocals to work with the Rock Bands we are currently training.

Gig-A-Bull follows Public School academic term dates. Pupils can enrol at any time. 

Tuition outside normal term dates is offered subject to availability.